Monday, January 22, 2007

Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist

Cohn, Rachel and David Levithan. 2006. NICK & NORAH’S INFINITE PLAYLIST. New York: Random House. ISBN 0375835318 [Suggested Grade Levels 10-12]

In alternating first-person narratives, this high-energy romance follows Nick and Norah, two high school seniors, on a one-night roller coaster ride adventure. Beginning with their accidental meeting in a punk music club where Nick has just finished playing and ending the next day after a wild night in Manhattan, readers will become quickly committed to the pair. Recently dumped and left broken-hearted, Nick asks Norah, a girl standing next to him at the club, to help him make his ex-girlfriend jealous, and at this point the adventure begins. While their relationship is initially symbiotic, the two learn quickly that it just might be fate that has brought them together. Through fully-realized characters and a racing and romantic plot, Cohen and Levithan treat readers to a story filled with candor and humor in this well-drawn he said/she said novel.

Teens could research the history of punk rock music and share ways this genre has influenced today’s music. As an extension activity, they could select a favorite song to share with others, making sure to include lyrics, which could be followed by a discussion.

Other young adult novels about identity and romance:
Going. K.L. FAT KID RULES THE WORLD. ISBN 0399239901
Nelson, Blake. THE NEW RULES OF HIGH SCHOOL. ISBN 0670036447
Oates, Joyce Carol. BIG MOUTH AND UGLY GIRL. ISBN 0066237580

By Rose Brock

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