Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Tree House

Tolman, Marije & Ronald. 2010. THE TREE HOUSE. Honesdale, PA: Boyds Mills Press. ISBN 9781590788066 [Suggested Grade Levels PreK-6]

Polar Bear and Bear separately discover a delightful tree house in the middle of an ocean. While there, the two bears become friends and bask in the serene atmosphere. The bears read books, play party hosts to a menagerie, and daydream. Bear even spends time fishing for snowflakes. Young children and older readers alike will revel in the beauty and wonder of the paradise imagined in this wordless picture book.

By definition, a wordless picture book conveys the entire story through pictures, thus, it can be accessed by readers and non-readers alike regardless of spoken language. For beginning readers and English language learners, invite the children to use THE TREE HOUSE to tell their own stories which they can then transcribe with or without teacher assistance. Encourage the children to use their own written stories as beginning reading texts to support further reading and/or language development. Use THE TREE HOUSE with older readers as a prompt for their own imaginative stories in words and/or pictures.

Other wordless picture books:
Briggs, Raymond. THE SNOWMAN ISBN 9780394839738
Lehman, Barbara. THE RED BOOK ISBN 9780618428588
Pinkney, Jerry. THE LION AND THE MOUSE ISBN 9780316013567
Wiesner, David FLOTSAM ISBN 9780618194575

By Maria Cahill

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