Sutton and Lovelock, collaborators of Roadwork, team up once again to amuse construction-minded
youngsters with a topic even more fascinating than building: destruction! Demolition introduces the equipment,
sounds, and actions necessary for the removal of an old parking garage. With
lively language, bold font, and colorful illustrations that are well matched to
the exciting topic, the rhythmic text can be perfectly harmonized to the tune,
“Row, row, row your boat” for storytime delivery. Readers particularly
interested in learning more about demolition will appreciate the concluding
Machine Facts page.
Throughout Demolition, readers see how building materials
can be repurposed and recycled. Provide children with a variety of objects and
together or in small groups brainstorm new uses for old materials. Encourage
each child to select one material and illustrate the original and re-imagined
uses for the object. Compile all pages to create a single book.
Other books for children about construction:Gray, Rita. EASY STREET. ISBN 9780525476573
McMullan, Kate and Jim. I’M DIRTY! ISBN 9780060092931
Pallotta, Jerry. THE CONSTRUCTION ALPHABET BOOK. ISBN 9781570914379
Sutton, Sally. ROADWORK. ISBN 9780763639129
Maria Cahill
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