Burdette has had the worst summer of her young life. Her mother was diagnosed
with cancer and quickly deteriorated before her eyes. Starting 8th
grade, your teenage years, and going through puberty are tough enough for a
girl, but to top it off with your mother dying is just about more than Corinna
can handle. She is having a difficult time acting “normal” at school. Her classmates
either don’t know what to say to her or whisper about her saying, “that’s the
girl whose mom died.” Their casual mentions and complaints about their mothers
bother Corinna and make her feel like she is all alone in her grief. Corinna
joins a grief counseling group at school and realizes she isn’t alone in her
grieving. She begins to feel that she can finally start to heal and appreciate
the time she had with her mother.
takes the reader on Corinna Burdette’s year long journey from grieving to
healing after the death of her mother. The author’s experience as a clinical
social worker and dealing with the loss of her own mother helped shape the
story of Corinna.
Do not
judge this book by its cover. If you decide not to read IF ONLY because of the
unappealing cover, you will miss out on a touching story with characters that
feel real and even though there is sadness there is also hope in the end.
the author’s website: http://www.carolegeithner.com/index.php there bereavement
resources and group discussion guides for the book.
books about dealing with the death of a family member:
Kathryn. MOCKINGBIRD: (Mok'ing-burd). ISBN 9780142417751
Kate. GROUNDED. ISBN 9780312570392
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