Sunday, February 10, 2013

Fire! Fuego! Brave Bomeberos

Eyla, Susan Middleton. 2012. FIRE! ¡FUEGO! BRAVE BOMBEROS. Ill. by Dan Santat. New York: Bloomsbury. ISBN 9781599904610 [Suggested Grade Levels pK- 2]

The siren sounds, the crew gets ready, and off they zoom at lightning speed! The brave bomberos work together to battle a house fire and save an important member of the family. Colorful and bold illustrations heighten the sense of excitement and elucidate the emotions of the firefighters. Though the subject of this adventure is sure to engage young readers, it is the mixed use of English and Spanish in this rhymed verse that will delight many teachers and librarians. A glossary of the Spanish words with pronunciations on the final double spread will support those readers with limited Spanish.

Using the glossary of terms, create a Spanish-English memory game. Select two different colors of paper, and cut each into 20 2x2 cards. On the cards of the first color, write a term in English. On the cards of the second color, write each of the selected terms in Spanish.

Other books for children about fire:
Ehlert, Lois. CUCKOO/CUCÚ. ISBN 9780152002749
Gibbons, Gail. FIRE! FIRE! ISBN 9780064460583
Hayward, Linda. A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A FIREFIGHTER. ISBN 9780789473660
Osborne, Mary Pope. NEW YORK’S BRAVEST. ISBN 9780375921964
Polacco, Patricia. TIKVAH MEANS HOPE. ISBN 9780385320597

By Maria Cahill

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